Prepare new honors for His name, and songs before unknown.

A Frederick Faber poem on the majesty and glory of the three persons of the Trinity.

  1. Full of glory, full of wonders, Majesty Divine!
    Mid thine everlasting thunders, how Thy lightnings shine!
    Shoreless ocean, who can sound Thee?
    Thine eternity is round Thee, Majesty Divine!
  1. Timeless, spaceless, single, lonely, yet sublimely Three.
    Thou art grandly, always, only God in unity.
    Lone in grandeur, lone in glory!
    Who shall tell Thy wondrous story, Awesome Trinity?
  1. Splendors upon splendors beaming Change and intertwine.
    Glories over glories streaming all translucent shine.
    Blessing, praises, adorations
    Greet thee from the trembling nations, Majesty Divine!

Majesty Divine

Frederick Faber


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